A woman wants to get the magazine Cosmopolitan out of the hands of kids. She’s started a petition to get the popular supermarket publication wrapped in an opaque plastic wrapper and forbid it being sold to anyone younger than 18. “As a former reader of the magazine, I happened to pick up an issue and was reading it and was completely shocked at how pornographic and explicit the content had become,” said Nicole Weider, a model. “I immediately thought of my young teenage brothers, and it horrified me to think that they and their friends could be reading this material and the damage it would do to them if they did. So I decided to do something about it.” So far, Weider’s petition has gotten more than 11,000 signatures and hundreds of notes of support, often from teen girls. “They write me letters detailing how they’ve tried the sexual tips written about in Cosmo, only to get their hearts broken, or worse—getting pregnant or catching an STD,” says Weider. “Let’s not forget other behaviors Cosmo displays in a glamorous package to young girls, such as sexting nude pictures of yourself (which appeared in the November 2011 issue) and suggesting that it is normal if your boyfriend cheats on you (December 2011).” (Fox News)