After taking some serious heat for trying to change the lyrics for a popular Lee Greenwood song, a Massachusetts elementary school has decided its students can sing “God Bless the USA.” after all. Initially, educators at Stall Brook Elementary had planned to change the words in Greenwood’s popular anthem to “We Love the USA.” for an April 12 assembly, fearing the word God might offend; but the proposed change ignited controversy to the point of the song’s writer becoming involved. “The most important word in the whole piece of music is the word God, which is also in the title, ‘God Bless the USA.'” Greenwood said. “We can’t take God out of the song; we can’t take God out of The Pledge of Allegiance, we can’t take God off of the American currency. Let us also remember, the phrase ‘God Bless the USA’ has a very important meaning for those in the military and their families, as well as new citizens coming to our country. The song is played at every naturalization ceremony [after] ‘The National Anthem.’ If the song is good enough to be played and performed in its original setting under those circumstances, it surely should be good enough for our children.” Officials scrapped the song from the assembly docket altogether, which did nothing to mollify critics. Now, according to Superintendent Edward Fleury, the song’s back in, and with its original lyrics. (AP)