According to a new congressional report, many tanning salons are lying to get customers into bed, according to a new congressional report. For the study, investigators pretended to be fair-skinned teenage girls over the phone and called 300 salons for health information. They found that 90 percent of the salons said that indoor tanning wasn’t dangerous at all, and 78 percent said tanning would actually improve a user’s health—aiding everything from arthritis to lupus. If asked whether tanning beds might increase a user’s risk of skin cancer, more than half flat-out said no—despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary. “It is so false,” says Dr. Rhonda Rand, a dermatologist. “We know that skin cancer, especially melanoma, is on the rise, especially in women in their 20s, because they went to tanning salons in their teenage years.” About 28 million people use tanning beds every year, with the lion’s share of them being girls and women between the ages of 16 and 29. (CBS News)