With the country wringing its hands over what’s been called an obesity epidemic, particularly among children, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and some Big Apple politicians are asking that sugary soft drinks of more than 16 fluid ounces be dumped. Bloomberg proposes that big, value-sized sodas be banned from restaurants, theaters, sports stadiums and a variety of other venues (though they’d still be available in supermarkets). Numerous studies suggest that a difference of 200 calories can make a huge impact on whether a given child or teen gains weight—200 calories easily accounted for in oversized drinks. While Bloomberg’s proposal has a great deal of support from health-minded advocacy groups, some believe the push smacks of governmental interference on free choice. “You can’t force it,” says Monica Dauphine, as she sipped a 32-ounce Sprite. “You can’t force it. It’s like dictatorship. I’m sorry, but if you want to be obese, you want to be obese.” (New York Times)