Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. A massive food fight at a Sacramento-area middle school went off better (or perhaps worse) than organizers planned—and brought down the wrath of school administrators. The fight, held at Arden Middle School, was planned at least a week ahead of time—much of the organization done on Facebook—and involved at least 75 percent of the students. Once the spaghetti and pudding stopped flying, the place was a mess. It took 15 hours to clean up the cafeteria, and some of the students might’ve required nearly that much time to get the soup out of their hair. “A lot of people came out screaming, and I saw a lot of my friends all drenched in goop,” said one seventh grader. School administrators came down hard on the student body, canceling all social activities for the rest of the year: No dances, no field trips, no excursions to the regional Six Flags. “I am not gonna lie, it was pretty fun,” said seventh grader Saron Dea, “but I don’t think it was worth it looking back on it now.” (KCRA.com)