Better brush up on your Furbish. Hasbro’s Furby, one of the most popular toys of the late 1990s, is coming back with a high-tech update—and a much heftier price tag. As you may recall, Furby was one of the first interactive toys out there: The bug-eyed, pointy-eared creature would talk, laugh and occasionally get scared if you flipped it around too much. The more you played with it, the more it appeared to learn from you. If you didn’t play with it enough, it would whine until you did. Now, with 15 years of new technology under its belt, Hasbro has created a new Furby, far more interactive than its predecessor. It still speaks Furbish as did its predecessor; but it can learn English now, too. Its LED-powered eyes also communicate with the user—showing a bevy of hearts, for instance, if you tickle it. It runs about $60, significantly more than the $35 of the original Furby; but the folks of Hasbro think people will buy it. “We decided if we wanted to successfully make a toy where a kid wants to form a relationship with it, this is the tech we need,” says Kenny Davis, Hasbro’s marketing director. “People are looking at $60 video games; we think people will play with Furby for longer than some of those video games.” Will they if it doesn’t come with an off switch? (ABC News)