Despite protests, ABC’s “Modern Family” aired an episode Jan. 18 that featured a toddler apparently using the F-word. Lily—the adopted daughter of gay couple Cam and Mitchell—is the show’s profane preschooler, uttering the word in advance of a wedding in which she’s to serve as the flower girl. The title of the episode was “Little Bo Bleep.”  Audiences don’t actually hear the word, naturally: The offending four-letter utterance is bleeped and Lily’s mouth is pixelated. The young actress who plays Lily—Aubrey Anderson-Emmons—never said the word on set either. Directors had her say the word “fudge” instead. “We thought it was a very natural story since, as parents, we’ve all been through this,” “Modern Family” creator Steven Levitan told “We are not a sexually charged show. It has a very warm tone so people accept it more.” Nevertheless, 18-year-old McKay Hatch, founder of the No Cussing Club, asked ABC to pull the episode. “Our main goal is to stop this from happening,” said McKay. “If we don’t, at least ABC knows that people all over the world don’t want to have a 2-year-old saying the F-bomb on TV.” (Time)