Most colleges and universities field an assortment of athletic teams: football, basketball, volleyball and others. Now, Robert Morris University has added another group of athletes to its athletic roster: gamers.

The school now offers scholarships for people to play “League of Legends.” The school hopes to field three teams of 10 along with another team of reserves. Oh yes, and scholarships are being offered. Varsity players can receive as much as 50 percent off their cost of education through their serious commitment to video games. “This is a student population that has been underserved,” says Kurt Melcher, Robert Morris’ associate athletic director. More than 1,500 prospective students already have inquired about scholarships. (ABC News)

Paul Asay has written for The Washington Post, Christianity Today, and The (Colorado Springs) Gazette. He writes about culture for PluggedIn and wrote the Batman book God on the Streets of Gotham (Tyndale). He recently collaborated with Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, on his book The Good Dad. He lives in Colorado Springs with wife, Wendy, and his two children. Follow him on Twitter.