An Indiana legislator has apologized for writing a letter accusing the Girl Scouts of America of being a “radicalized organization”—one that actively promoted abortion, sex and homosexual lifestyles and served as a de-facto arm of Planned Parenthood. Rep. Bob Morris actually hasn’t backed away from any of his actual claims: He still believes the national Girl Scouts organization has been co-oped by groups that undermine what he considers to be traditional family values; but he believes there are lots of fantastic Girl Scouts in Girl Scouts of America and feels bad about painting, “the entire Girl Scouts organization with such a wide brush…I realize now that my words were emotional, reactionary and inflammatory,” he wrote in his apology. “In hindsight, I should never have written the letter.” The Girl Scouts of America have since responded in kind. “We agree that the letter was a mistake and that it’s time to move on,” the organization said in a statement. “On behalf of the millions of girls in Girl Scouting: apology accepted.” (CNN)