We reported earlier about the fact many teens are taking to YouTube and Twitter to ask celebrities out to prom, but what if they don’t hear back? No problem. They’ll just bring them anyway. Some prom-going teens are attending the big dance with cardboard cutouts of celebrities—typically far more (ahem) pliable than their flesh-and-blood counterparts. One teen brought a cutout of Justin Bieber to her prom. Another took New York Jets QB Tim Tebow. For teens, this might be a one-night gag, but some experts are concerned. “Having a cardboard cutout in your bedroom can be OK, but to simulate a date or ‘real’ relationship in a public place is disallowing for real flesh and blood humans—who are not airbrushed or PR’d—to interact with you,” says Dr. Nancy Irwin, a Los Angeles-area psychologist. “If it were a special event, a singular ‘theme party’ it would be healthy, but to replace a human being, especially one that is idolized—as celebrities are—is making a statement that your peers are not good enough for you.” (Fox News)