Kids who watch a lot of television are likely being exposed to depictions of smoking, according to a new study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. The study, conducted in 2007, examined eight shows popular with kids ages 12 to 17 and found that 40 percent of the episodes contained tobacco depictions. The study was sponsored by Legacy, an organization that has been working for 13 years to keep kids from smoking; and their criteria for what qualifies as a depiction wasn’t sequestered to just tobacco use: If an ashtray or tobacco-related billboard showed up in a scene, that counted, too. The worst show by far, in terms of tobacco depictions, was “America’s Next Top Model,” which had 157 in 14 weeks of programming. Next up was “American Dad” with 57 and “The Simpsons,” with 29. (MediaPost)