Brand-savvy youth have a fondness for Apple, Hershey’s and—perhaps surprisingly—Sprite, according to a new study by Harris Interactive. Apple dominated computer-oriented brands among youth between the ages of 8 and 24, according to the study, with the iPad topping tablet brands and the iPhone trumping all other smartphones. “To have this kind of significant edge among 13- to 24-year-olds signifies that Apple has built a powerful equity base among their customers of today and their customers of tomorrow,” said Jeni Lee Chapman of Harris. “Brands often struggle to maintain relevancy among different generations. This data shows this is not going to be an issue for Apple.” The same cannot be said for either Coca-Cola or Pepsi, both longtime faves that were trumped by Sprite in youth brand loyalty. Coke finished second, while Pepsi—the one-time “choice of a new generation”—wound up third. (MediaPost)