The Internet is great. The people on it could behave a bit better, though. That’s the consensus of folks polled by Intel and Ipsos as part of a comprehensive “Internet Etiquette” survey conducted in eight countries around the world, including France, China, Brazil and the United States. About 92 percent of Americans wish people “practiced better etiquette with their mobile devices. Youth between the ages of 18 and 34 seem a bit more tolerant of mobile behavior than older folks, but more than 50 percent hate it when people text while driving, talk too loud in public or have the volume of their devices too high. About 74 percent of American teens believe people share too much information online (compared to 90 percent of Americans overall). The biggest online pet peeves among teens stateside were constant complaining (71 percent), sharing too much private information (56 percent) or sending explicit photos (56 percent). (Mobile Internet)