Fashion magazine Vogue recently published a photo spread featuring 10-year-old model Thylane Loubry Blondeau, posing in a variety of sophisticated, even sultry outfits. Many people were shocked by the photos, and some experts believe they’re just another example on how society pressures girls to be sexy from ever younger ages. “There’s…a temptation to connect the ubiquity of tarted-up tween and teen models to the seeming inability of so many ordinary middle-school girls to stand in front of a camera without twisting themselves into a pornified Victoria’s Secret pose, then post the image on Facebook,” writes Time blogger Susanna Schrobsdorff. “I’d argue this is just one sign that girls can’t go 10 minutes without thinking about their looks. In fact, one of the more insidious effects of the appearance of 10-year-old models in gold lamé cocktail dresses—such as the one little Thylane wore in the Vogue shoot is that it will only push the tyranny of the pressure to look hot to ever younger ages. (Time)