Gossip Girl, “Pretty Little Liars,” “The Vampire Diaries”: What do these shows have in common? Two things: First, they’ve found an audience among teen girls; second, they all come from Alloy Entertainment. Alloy once primarily was known as a young adult book publisher. Lately, as television stations look to splash new, hip, young-centric shows on TV, they’ve become a powerhouse hit machine for the tube. In addition to “Liars” (the highest rated show on ABC Family), “Gossip” and “Diaries” (mainstays of the CW network), Alloy is now producing “The Lying Game” (again on ABC Family), “The Nine Lives of Chloe King” (about a girl who has some attributes of a cat) for ABC Family and this fall will usher the witch-themed show “The Secret Circle” on CW. “They’ve really figured out how to speak to the millennial generation,” says Kate Juergens, ABC Family’s senior vice president of programming and development. “They have their finger on the pulse, and they really know the fundamental beliefs and truths of that generation.” (Entertainment Weekly)