Residents of the United Kingdom would rather lose flushing toilets than have their access to Facebook taken away, according to a new study by the London Science Museum. Fresh fruits and veggies are more expendable than the ubiquitous social network, too, as is the chance to take a shower, which makes sense, really: Without a shower, perhaps the only friends they’ll have will be online—out of smelling distance. Sarah Richardson, museum exhibition manager, said the results were “crazy,” illustrating a bizarre obsession with most things online. Another example: Respondents thought that an Internet connection was the second-most vital thing in their lives, right after sunshine and ahead of clean drinking water. “It seems having fresh drinking water is something that many of us take for granted, but is becoming scarcer in many parts of the world,” Richardson says. “If you see how little water others have to drink or grow food, you soon realize water is fast becoming a luxury for millions.” (Time)