YouTube videos continue to inspire kids and teens to pull dangerous, sometimes fatal stunts. David Nuno was the most recent victim: The 15-year-old had just finished watching a video in which someone passed out, then tried it himself. He lost consciousness, fell forward and broke a drinking glass, a shard of which pierced an artery in his neck. He was the second child in September to die from purposefully passing out. Other videos, depicting everything from fight club-like beatdowns to “cinnamon challenges” (in which someone tries to swallow a tablespoon of cinnamon without throwing up) have kept emergency room personnel busy. Experts say many youth are naturally imitative, and YouTube allows dangerous fads to spread like wildfire. “If you get one kid doing it, you tend to see more kids doing it,” says Dr. Thomas Abramo, chief of pediatric emergency medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “The spread of the event is definitely faster.” (ABC News)