The Backdrop
Have you caught all the hype lately about the scientific discovery that’s being called “the God particle”? Particle physicists are as close as one can get to the Boson particle without actually seeing a Boson, the subatomic particle that theoretically determines the type of mass or energy any matter might be. It’s being called “the God particle” because this particle is mysterious, it’s everywhere, and it may be the one thing that holds everything else together.
The What
Of course, the idea of something holding everything else together is nothing new to God. It’s a truth about Himself that He has been communicating to us since day one, literally.
Use this devo to give yourself an opportunity to be refreshed by God’s involvement in creation—in the world, in you, in all things around you. Read the passages below from your Bible or online Bible site. (It might be helpful to print the passages). As you read, draw a cloud or other symbol that denotes God for you over anything God made or created.
Genesis 1:1-31
Psalm 139:13-18
Psalm 104:24
Colossians 1:15-20
The So What
Let these verses soak a little deeper into your heart with the questions below. Journal your thoughts as responses come to mind.
What do these verses teach you about God?
What do these verses teach you about creation?
It’s great that scientists are on the cusp of discovering something that holds things together, but here is the more important and more urgent question: What’s holding YOU together? (Choose one from below.)
1. Nothing
Do you feel as if life is spinning out of control and that everything is falling apart?
2. Something
Do you find your life revolving around something, but not God? Maybe it’s sports, music or approval from friends or the opposite sex.
3. You
Do you feel as if you are self-sustaining? Do you simply never think about needing something to hold you together?
4. God
Do you have the realization that everything depends on God? Have you come to the conclusion that the meaning of everything is best understood when it’s filtered through God?
Seal the Deal
Spend the next three days (that’s a good, biblical amount of time) appreciating God’s creation. We’ve given you some ideas, but use your creativity to customize your own activity. No matter which activity you choose to appreciate God’s creation, remember His best creation, the thing He most loves to hold together, is you.
1. Sun
Google the official times of sunrise and sunset for your geographic location. Mentally lock into the sun rising and setting, if not by actually observing, then by simply knowing when it occurs. At the actual minute of rising or setting (or both), pray a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s “greater light to govern the day” (
2. Moon
Google the official moonrise and moonset times for your geographic location. If you’re in the New Moon Phase, which in essence means “no moon,” hold off on this exercise until you’re able to see at least a portion of the moon. If the moon is up for you at a decent time, grab a pair of binoculars and observe the craters and formations on the moon’s surface. Let yourself be wowed by “the lesser light to govern the night” (
3. Stars
Download and print a map of the night sky visible from your part of the world (or use a smart phone app such as Google Sky) and learn some of the key stars and constellations in your view. In one of the biggest understatements of all time,