The Backdrop
I’m tired. That’s one of the most common answers given by teens during the school year when asked, “How are you doing?” The school year brings an ambitious combo of early mornings, late nights, long study hours, tiring sports practices, pressure-packed tests and so much more. It’s no wonder “I’m tired” is the go-to response. Thankfully, God knows how we’re built; and He has a way of turning tiredness into strength.

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The What
Print out the passage from Isaiah below. Take a moment to read the verses, and to help notice the detail, do these things:
1. Underline anything that describes God or what God will do.
2. Circle anything this passage says about teens (or in the biblical term youth).

“The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:28-31).

The So What
Isaiah 40:28-31 sounds like God’s back-to-school passage! Look at the descriptions of God that you found in these verses. Which is the most meaningful to you as you think about the start of a school year?

This passage shows you that God knows you will get tired and weary. When are you most tired and weary in the school year?
• a sports season
• finals week
• a competition
• science fair
• ______________

This passage gives several specific promises to those who hope in the Lord. Take a moment to find these in verse 31. Then circle the one that you think you’ll rely on the most throughout the school year.

What does “hope in the Lord” look like? Circle the one that best fits your personal definition, and feel free to add your own thoughts.
• hoping He will make everything turn out OK
• trusting He is with me no matter what
• knowing heaven awaits me no matter what happens on this earth

Isaiah promised that when we put our hope in God, we will renew strength. Journal a thought or two about how you think this works. You might start by finishing this sentence: Hoping in God renews my strength because…

The Wrap Up
As you navigate the pressures of a school year, it is inevitable that you will get tired. Maybe the feelings of tired can be your trigger to hope in the Lord. Write a prayer to God expressing hope in Him; then keep that prayer handy so that when your eyes are droopy, or your head is nodding, you can read the prayer and remind yourself to hope in the Lord to renew your strength. Let God turn your tiredness into strength.

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