Commemorating Columbine |
Monday, April 20, is the 10th anniversary of the killings at Denver’s Columbine High School.
We honor the memory of Columbine by helping youth workers address potential crises they may face in our new CRISIS issue of YouthWorker Journal.
Check out our lead issue featuring youth workers who served at Columbine, Virginia Tech and in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and offer up their advice for when crisis strikes.
Also check out today’s USA Today story, which reveals new information about the event.
Creation Festivals Celebrate Music
The 31st Annual Creation Northeast will be held June 24-27 at the Agape Farm in the beautiful mountain ranges of Mount Union, Penn.; and Creation Northwest will be marking its 12th year at the amazing Gorge Amphitheater in George, Wash., July 22-25. Tickets are available now through www.creationfest.com.
The festivals boast a lineup that includes Relient K, Casting Crowns, Third Day, Chris Tomlin, Skillet, Family Force 5, Hawk Nelson, David Crowder Band, Thousand Foot Krutch, Red; and speakers, including Joyce Meyer, Greg Laurie, Reggie Dabbs, Will Graham, Bob Lenz and Ron Luce. The “Fringe Stage” will feature the best the in alternative Christian artists, including Spoken, Disciple, The Classic Crime, Stellar Kart, John Reuben, We as Human, Reilly and more.
The Creation Festivals are America’s largest Christian music and teaching festivals, and have been consistently voted as the “favorite festival” by Christian music fans.
Democrats Gather at Robertson’s Regent
It’s not just that Pat Robertson ran for president in 1988 as a Republican. It’s that the Regent University he founded in Virginia Beach has promoted conservative candidates and causes.
In January, the school approved the Regent Democrats as an official student group. Co-founder Kalia Hines is excited, and the school’s vice president for academic affairs says the Regent Democrats demonstrate that the school has an open mind about sharing political ideas.
Christian scholar David Gushee said, “You can’t really be a university of any quality without allowing your students freedom of affiliation and reflection and political identity. To their credit, Regent has permitted that.”
For more, see the story by reporter Steven Vegh published in the Virginian-Pilot.
Outreach Magazine Resources of the Year Awards |
Outreach Magazine‘s Sixth Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Awards honor the best Christian evangelism products.
In the Youth Outreach category, the winner was Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris (Multnomah Books).
The Harris twins will be featured in the July/August issue of YouthWorker Journal. You can find info on the other Outreach award winners at the bottom of this YouthWorker eJournal.
Resource Reviews from YouthWorker Journal’s TOOLS Section
In each issue of the eJournal we give you a sampling of the reviews published in YouthWorker Journal. This time, we’re sharing recent reviews of 15 new curriculum and teaching resources you can use with your group.
Simply click on the link and thumb through the Youth Ministry Programming area of our TOOLS section (or the entire digital issue).
To get your own copy of Youth WorkerJournal, all you need to do is subscribe. Then you will get all our articles, columns, reviews of all the best books, curriculum and other materials [click here].
Thanks for joining us for this issue of the YouthWorker eJournal. See you next time.
Sincerely, Steve Rabey, YouthWorker Journal editor, and our entire crew
Outreach Magazine‘s Sixth Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Awards |
(continued) Announced in the magazine’s March/April issue, the winners in the Evangelism category were: XEE: Sharing Your Faith Starts Here (Evangelism Explosion International); The New Media Frontier: Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting for Christ by John Mark Reynolds and Roger Overton (Crossway Books Bibles); The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach by Elaine Heath (Baker Academic/Baker Publishing Group); and Faces in the Crowd: Reaching Your International Neighbor for Christ by Donna Thomas (New Hope Publishers).
In the Apologetics category, the winners were: Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language by William Dembski and Sean McDowell (Harvest House); Faith to Faith: A Conversation About Christianity and World Religions by Dan Scott (Harvest House); Evidence for Faith 101: Understanding Apologetics in Plain Language by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz (Harvest House); and Choosing Your Faith in a World of Spiritual Options by Mark Mittelberg (Tyndale House).
The books recognized in the Cross-Cultural Ministry category were: City Signals: Principles and Practices for Ministering in Today’s Global Communities by Brad Smith (New Hope); Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships by Carl Medearis (Bethany House/Baker Publishing Group); and You Don’t Have to Cross the Ocean to Reach the World: The Power of Local Cross-Cultural Ministry by David Boyd (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group).
In the Justice category, the winners were: A New Christian Manifesto: Pledging Allegiance to the Kingdom of God by Bob Ekblad (Westminster John Knox Press); A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race by Brenda Salter McNeil (InterVarsity Press); and An Agenda for Change: A Global Call for Spiritual Social Transformation by Joel Edwards (Zondervan).
The winners in the Compassion category were: Linking Arms, Linking Lives: How Urban-Suburban Partnerships Can Transform Communities by Ronald Sider, John Perkins, Wayne Gordon and F. Albert Tizon (Baker Books/Baker Publishing Group) and Baroness Cox: Eyewitness to a Broken World by Lela Gilbert (Monarch Books).
In the Leadership category, the winners were: Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands: Lessons in Non-linear Leadership by Nancy Ortberg (Tyndale House); Experiencing LeaderShift: Letting Go of Leadership Heresies by Don Cousins (David C. Cook); Preparing for Change Reaction: How to Introduce Change in Your Church by Bob Whitesel (Wesleyan Publishing House); The American Church in Crisis by David T. Olson (Zondervan); and It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It by Craig Groeschel (Zondervan).
The winners in the Culture category were: Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling by Andy Crouch (InterVarsity Press); and Porn Nation: Conquering America’s #1 Addiction by Michael Leahy (Northfield Publishing/Moody Publishers).
Resources recognized in the Children’s Outreach category were: Going Public: Your Child Can Thrive in Public School by David and Kelli Pritchard (Regal); MEGA Sports Camp: Game Plan (Gospel Publishing); and Welcome to Holsom: Adventures in Faith (Gospel Publishing).