New Delirious! Album Looks at Justice
Delirious!, the British band that combines catchy music with thoughtful lyrics is back (April 1) with their 12th album, “Kingdom of Comfort.”
Inspired by a sermon from Rob Bell and their work in India, Cambodia, and South Africa, the album asks the tough questions about the lifestyle choices we make.
“We just can’t carry on the same way in any sphere of our lives,” says Delirious! frontman, Martin Smith. “Everywhere you go there’s a shift happening. People are evaluating what’s truly important in life, and I think our new album reflects that urgency.” For info visit www.delirious.co.uk
High School on TV
High school has inspired some great (and many bad movies.) Right now high school is inspiring three new TV shows.
“High School Confidential” is a documentary that has been following students from Overland Park, Kansas, over the past four years. Whether its pregnancy, a brain tumor, oral sex or suicide, the series addresses issues kids grapple with every day.
“The Paper” (which begins on MTV April 14) is another documentary that follows students in Weston, Florida.
Watch the shows yourself to determine if they’re right for your kids. Then see what similarities or differences your kids see between the shows and life at their own schools.
Darwin on DVD |
Everybody’s arguing about “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” a DVD that attacks schools that promote evolutionary approaches to the origin of life at the expense of creationist views. We’ve been waiting for months to see the film. When we do we’ll let you know what we think.
“Beta House” a $uccess |
Meanwhile, this direct-to-DVD film, which was released late 2007, is making tons of money!
It used to be that “Direct to DVD” releases were restricted to films with titles like, “The Night of the Living Dead: The Musical!” or “The Land Before Time 27.” No more. Many movie studios are concentrating more on direct-to-DVD products, because many of them can make more money than their traditional theatrical releases.
“American Pie Presents: Beta House,” a DVD release from Universal Studios, will likely rake in $30 million, or more. Because the film only cost $10 million to create, Universal stands to make a tidy profit. Compare that to Universal’s “Evan Almighty,” which took in a whopping $173 million worldwide – but cost a staggering $175 million to make.
The Seven Deadly Sins: A Survival Guide Rebecca DeYoung; Faith Alive Christian Resources; 2007; 71 pp. $16.95 (leaders guide), $5.95 (student book) www.faithaliveresources.com
The March/April issue of YouthWorker Journal contains recommendations and reviews of 80+ new books, curricula, videos, and CDs.
Covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth and—at their root—pride: the Seven Deadly Sins. Taught in the early church as a means of self-examination, these terms are now rarely heard, and even less frequently discussed, in the current church. The author believes that weak understanding may increase susceptibility to these vices.
DeYoung’s curriculum successfully introduces this subject to a new generation. Written with the attention spans of young people in mind, the curriculum uses a variety of mediums without trivializing the content and comes complete with everything necessary to present the material. This is as excellent resource for those who want to take their students deeper and is best suited for use with high school-aged youth.
—Reviewer Dan Kreiss is assistant professor of youth ministry at King College in Bristol, Tennessee.
The YouthWorker eJournal Survey: How Will You Spend Your Summer Vacation?
Last year Americans failed to take an estimated 438 million vacation days they had coming to them. Meanwhile, many workers in Europe take weeks or even months off.
What gives? Americans seem to be afraid of looking like slackers. Others are afraid that if they’re not in the office, other workers will get all the plum assignments and promotions.
What about you? What are your plans for this summer? Let us know and we’ll report back to you next time.
How Will You Spend Your Summer Vacation?
Vacation? What’s vacation?
I will probably take less than a week off this summer.
I am entitled to two weeks, and I am gonna use them.
Due to seniority and good behavior, I am eligible for more than two weeks vacation and will use them all.
Go to youthworker.com to participate in this issue’s survey.
The YouthWorker eJournal Survey Results: Kids in Jail
Now more than 1 in every 100 Americans is in jail or prison, we asked you what you do about kids in jail. Have any of your kids ever been sent to jail or prison? If so, how did your group respond? Here’s what you told us:
We studied Matthew 25 as a group as we prepared to visit them in prison. 28%
We pretty much swept the whole thing under the rug and ignored it. 28%
Other departments of our church/ministry deal with jail visitations. 14%
Our kids are sinless, so they never get into trouble or wind up in jail. 28%
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Thanks for joining us for this issue of the YouthWorker eJournal. See you next time. And I’ll be seeing some of you at Group’s national conference in Cincinnati.
Sincerely, Steve Rabey, YouthWorker Journal editor, and our entire crew